Monday, April 18, 2011
More Good News
I knew that I had lost a little over 10 pounds since the departure of John. I didn't think about what that meant when it comes to clothes until last week. I was trying to find something dressy but not fancy to wear to court on Friday. I went into my closet, looked at a sweater I haven't fit comfortably in about a year, and decided to try to wear it. The really exciting part is that it fit and looked nice again. I think I am getting some curves that aren't as lumpy again! Today, I put on a shirt that buttons up the front. In the past, I have had to either tape or pin it together for the gap in my chest. Today I forgot to do that. When I got to work, I was worried that I would be showing off a bit too much. I checked in the bathroom mirror. NO GAP! I love that my clothes are fitting better!
Monday, April 11, 2011
I haven't weighed myself in almost 3 weeks because I thought that with how much binging I was doing the scale would not be nice to me. I, also, have had very little fast food in the last 3 weeks. Last time I weighed myself I was about 180. This morning I thought, "What the heck?" and went a head and stood on that dangerous contraption in my bathroom...the scale. I am down to 174! I couldn't be more exited! It was a great way to start off my busy week with a new schedule!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
A Week Of Pictures
Yes. I let the dogs on the couch. Aren't they so cute, though? |
We made pizza for dinner about a week ago. Noel "decorated" this one. I am still looking for the smiley face. |
Eric and Sean "decorated" this one. One side is fire and the other is an explosion. |
Noel fell asleep watching tv Monday right after dinner. Jasper joined her. |
I just thought it was cute that they were sleeping right next to each other. Jasper seems to always wake up when the camera comes out. |
Noel made her own tuna sandwich today. |
She cut the middle of her bangs a couple of weeks ago because she was tired of growing them out. |
I tried to even it out the best I could by cutting the rest of her bangs. They are a bit crooked, but I'll fix them as they grow. |