My kids go to their dad's the first 3 weekends of the month. They often complain that they didn't really do anything on Saturday and were bored. Since my oldest has a cell phone, I remind them that it is perfectly ok to call me since I rarely work on Saturdays anymore.
Yesterday, the oldest child decided to do just that. I had a great conversation with him about the books that he likes to read and the dinner that they had with their dad the night before. (Did you know Macaroni Grill has pepperoni bigger pepperoni on their pizza than Subway has on their sandwiches?) After about 30 minutes of talking to my oldest child, the other kids realized who he was talking to and wanted to talk, too. I, then, was able to talk to them for a while about what they had been doing that morning and the books they enjoyed reading and other things that they wanted to talk about.
By the time I got off the phone, I had been on the phone for about 45 minutes, but it didn't feel like more than 5 or 10 minutes. I am so glad that my oldest decided to call me and the others wanted to talk to me as well. It is amazing how those sweet children can brighten a day where I was sucked in by current events. I am truly blessed to be their mom.