Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hot Spot Challenge Week Two - Done!

I am happy to say that I have successfully completed week two of the hot spot challenge. The only things left on my computer desk and kitchen island are the things that belong there. This was harder than last week of course, but I can say that my island was clean enough yesterday for my son to take a small hammer to each piece of cereal that he spilled yesterday morning. 
The embarrassing part of all of this is that I still have more hot spots in my house. Up next, my piano including the floor underneath it. (Is it just me or is this getting to be fun, Melissa?)

Saturday, January 25, 2014

JASPIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By Sean

This is Jasper. I mean, a pic of Jasper.(AKA, Jaspie)           HE'S CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You just CAN'T tell me he isn't.

Pinewood Derby 2014

This is our last year of Pinewood Derby since my younger boy will be 11 this year. We had fun making a tank for his car this year, and he won most unique.

We all dressed in camouflage in support of this awesome camouflage tank.

As we left the house, Sean announced his goal was to win at least one race. After adding some weights donated by one of the dads, he  won two!

In the end, we had a lot of fun! I will miss Pinewood Derby next year (maybe).

Monday, January 20, 2014

Next Hot Spot Challenge

This week I will be cleaning up my desk and keeping the island clean. Are you ready for my desk before picture? I'm sure not, but here it is:

Sunday, January 19, 2014

First Hot Spot Challenge Complete

Other than the things that are supposed to be on my island, it is completely clean. I don't even have a single crumb on it. It hasn't looked this nice since Thanksgiving! If I keep this up, I may have a clean house soon...

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Hot Spot Challenge

My friend and I have a friendly challenge. We each have to clean one hot spot this week and keep it clean once it is clean. Here is the before picture of my kitchen island:
I will post my after picture next Sunday.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 In Review

Eric and Sean won first and second prize in the science fair at their school.
Eric participated in his last Pinewood Derby as a Cub Scout.

Sean had fun making participating in his second Pinewood Derby.
Eric earned his Arrow of Light and crossed over to Boy Scouts.
Carrie, Marleah, and I were finally together again.
Noel had her first trip to the ER.
Eric and Sean got glasses.

Eric went to Outdoor Ed for his 5th grade trip.
I finally got flowers for Mother's Day! (I love my husband!)
Sean was accepted into SAGE (the program for kids who are advanced in reading and math).
Chad and I finished our first 5K.
Eric started 6th grade in a new school (Weld Central Middle School).
Noel started 2nd grade, and Sean started 4th grade. (Sean wasn't as excited as the others.)
We visited the Lego exhibit at the Longmont Museum and Cultural Center.
My sweet grandmother, Ila Mitchell, passed away.
I went to Michigan for her funeral and to visit with the family.
Noel was baptized by her grandpa. 
(I did my first big sewing project since I made my wedding dress.)

The kids had a great Christmas!