Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Our Summer of Fun

This summer, my family and I made plans to have a lot of fun. My scheduled had changed from working overnights to working early in the morning and getting home around 2pm. We made a list of things we wanted to do: hiking, fishing, camping, going to a water park, swimming at the rec center, roller skating, and going to see a movie. We actually accomplished most of the items on our list and added a few more. I think Eric actually accomplished doing everything.
At the beginning of June, Eric went on a 50 mile hike/camping trip with the scouts. He was very excited and had attended most of the preparatory hikes they planned. He had a lot of fun and came back with some beautiful pictures on his phone.
While he was gone, we had a hail storm that tried to kill my rose bush. Some of the buds survived, and the bush is actually looking better now than it has for a long time. It was a blessing in disguise.
Then, we finished making our first garden box. Very few plants have survived my brown thumb, but I have hopes to get enough pickles off the the ones that are thriving somehow to make my grandmas pickles. Next year, I will plant earlier.
Sean went to Camp Chris Dobbins for the first time with his scout troop. He loved it. He got to ride horses, shoot a gun, and work of game design. 
The first week in August, we went camping as a family with my sister's family. We went to Lake Jackson. It was beautiful. The lake was perfect for swimming. My brother-in-law caught a fish. The dogs loved being outdoors. The first night and following day were wonderful! Then it rained and hailed. After sticking it out for a few hours we decided it was best to just go home. It took two trips to get everything and everyone there. Somehow, we go everything back in one, extremely uncomfortable, ride home. 
That Friday, before the kids woke up, Chad and I went to a small fishing pond in Hudson and caught our first fish since we started fishing together two years ago.
That Saturday, Chad's brother took us and the kids to the Wierd Al concert. It was a blast and the perfect way to end the week.
Now, the kids are back in school. Hopefully, we can continue to make good memories.