Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thankful Nov. 8

I am thankful for my house and the fact that my money is going towards me owning it and not someone else. John and I rented for the first eight and a half years of our marriage. We thought that we would never be able to buy a house. The good news about the housing market tanking when it did was that we got the opportunity to purchase a home of our own. We made someone else's loss our gain. We bought a foreclosed on home. Sure we had to fix and buy things (the bedroom doors being the weirdest), but it all goes towards our benefit. We no longer have to worry about noisy neighbors upstairs or nosey neighbors downstairs. We can be hermits if we wanted too. We live in a place that we feel secure and our kids are safe. We have a modest size home, but it is perfect for our needs. I love our home!

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