I saw an idea on a craft website and changed it to fit my ideas and my family. We made a family time capsule. I used a quart jar and made a label that I taped to the outside of the jar. Then I took pictures of every one in my family (John took the picture of me). I printed those on index cards and wrote the name of the person, their contribution, age, favorite food, and favorite color. I added the pictures plus the thing that each person thought they would most like to add to represent them in the jar. It was more fun for me than anyone else, but I hoping that in years to come the New Year's Eve time capsule is something that the kids will look forward to.
That is SO COOL!!!! I love that idea, what fun! What kinds of things did you guys put in there? What fun!
Noel put in a pink Lego. Sean put in a picture of Lego Indiana Jones. Eric put a pictre of his Star Wars Legos. (I think my kids were in the same frame of mind at the time. lol) John put in a pictre of his car. I put in the header to my blog. It was fun!
I think this is a fun idea! You're so creative!
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