Monday, January 5, 2009

Goal Update

I know that I just wrote about my goals last Thursday, but I have been working on writing in my journals for about a week now. In fact, today was day 7. I also figured it would be easier for me to remember to have goal updates on Monday rather than Thursday.

As far as journal writing goes, I have written in all of my journals everyday for the last week! I can't believe how much easier it is getting to find stuff to write daily about myself.

The prayer journal is helping me focus on the things that are important in my life. It is amazing how rather or not John is up playing his game until all hours of the night has become less important. I am able to see the little things that he has been doing for me a little clearer. That doesn't mean that I don't get frustrated at his selfish behaviors sometimes. It just means that I have been more likely to notice when he does stuff like make lunch for the kids.

The hardest journal for me is the scripture journal. I feel like I need to write something profound about the scriptures that I read. I don't always feel like that particular scripture has a specific meaning to me. I found myself yesterday just recapping what the chapter heading said.

My personal journal has been wonderful. I can get all of the little things off of my mind so that I can sleep at night. I have been struggling with feeling like I need to stick to one topic in my journal, but sometimes I want to write more. I guess that I should just do it. It is not like someone will come to me some day and say, "Shame on you for writing too much on this day."

Exercising is another story. I think that I have exercised once since last Thursday. I am determined to do better. I think my goal for this week will be to do it at least three times in the next week.


  1. Yay for you!!! I like your journal ideas... I decided to start a scripture journal, too. (Reading everyday was my one goal I could come up with that I mentioned in my blog.) I don't know if this helps, but when I read, I'm going to write down what verses I read, what they generally talked about, meanings to words I didn't know, how it made me feel (if anything at all) and questions I have about it... then the answers, when I ask someone or look them up. I think that way I can at least get it in my head what's happening. I have a hard time remembering the story line and who said/did what. You're doing great! Keep it up! As far as exercising goes, have you ever tried Hula? It's fun and seems easy but when you're done, you can feel that it worked. Just a thought... :) Keep up the good work! (Sorry about the ginormously long comment...)

  2. That's great that you've got a sort of "Honey-do good" journaling thing going. Rack 'em up and show him your favorite things he does. maybe he'll do them more. :) I always worry that if I kept a personal just for me journal that it would have "Why are his dirty socks on the floor again?!" entries instead. LOL

  3. It's not that I have been journaling just about the good things he does. I had been praying to understand him better. I think that has made a big difference! I probably should journal about the good things he does though every once in a while.

  4. I used to keep a scripture journal, too. Like you said, I didn't always have something profound to say, but sometimes I had some great insights that came. You've inspired me to start up my scripture journaling again!
