I like that my kids need me. They keep getting more independent. That part I like. Sometimes they get too independent too fast.
Noel started dressing herself when she was barely 2. When Sean did the same thing, I was happy because I was 8 or 9 month pregnant. Noel may be my last baby though, and I wasn't ready for her to grow up.
Sean practically potty trained himself. It was only about 3 or 4 months before he turned 3, but for some reason I wasn't ready for that step yet. We had run out of diapers his size, and it was payday. That means that we were going to have to wait until Daddy got home to cash is check and go buy diaper. Noel's diapers were only one size smaller so I just figured he could wear those until we could get more his size. He did not agree. He didn't want to wear "baby" diapers. He wanted to wear "big boy pants." It only took about 2 weeks to potty train him (that part was nice). I just wanted to wait for a while because I was still had a 6 month old. I wanted her to be a bit older so I could give him the attention I thought it would require.
Eric doesn't want me to walk him to the gate at school anymore. He decided today that he was too big for that. Not fair! I can say that it is nice to stay in the warm car, but isn't he supposed to need me a little longer? I was totally caught off guard when he told me this morning that he didn't want me to park in the parking lot. He just wanted he to drop him off at the gate.
What is a mom to do? My kids are getting more and more independent. It is fun to see them grow. It does give me more time to get other things done. I just didn't think it would happen so fast!
I agree, it goes by WAY too fast! And what's all this talk of Noel being the last baby??
The older shegets, the more I think that she may be the last.
Oh my gosh, the day Brendan doesn't want me to walk him to class anymore, my heart will break. Yeah, I'm not ever ready for them to grow up. I love every stage, but those stages need to stay a little longs. Hang in there and enjoy the moment!:)
Katie and this baby will be 3 and a half years apart. Its a bit of a space, but at least I won't have two in diapers.
I suppose we are all supposed to take comfort in the fact that we raise our children with confidence and the ability to be themselves. But I'm with you. They go too fast.
I about died both times my girls went to nursery the first day and kicked me out. I looked longingly at the moms who had weeping little ones clinging to them. Thse Moms didn't look so happy, but still. Its nice to be needed.
I had 3 in diapers for a little while. Eric wet the bed until he was 4, so he wore diapers at night. It was just life. I wouldn't have changed a thing!
Seriously? Wow. Boys must be a lot less stinky or some thing. If I could choose, my kids would pop out potty trained. More power to ya, sister. :)
I totally feel your pain! I've been having some of the same issues with my kids. It seems like the things I want to help with, they want to do on their own. But of course, the things I wish they'd do on their own, they always want my help with!
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