Friday, February 6, 2009

My Morning

I got up late to start with this morning, so I didn't worked out until this afternoon. Then, I had to literally fight Eric to get him to get dressed this morning, promising that if he wasn't dressed by the time my shoes and socks were on, I was going to just put his shoes and socks on him and take him to school in his jammies. That got him dressed, but he was still 5 min. late to school. I signed him in at the office, and then he refused to go to class. I signed my self in so I could take him, and he ran out the front door. I had to literally drag him to class. He still wouldn't go in. Finally, Mrs. Vickory came down the hall with another para that I don't know, and told me that they would take care of him and I could go. I thanked them and left.

When Eric got home there were three papers from the school counselor in his bag for me to read about separation anxiety and morning routines. As if I didn't already feel like a failure as a parent while I was dragging him to class, now I have papers from the school to prove that they think that too.


  1. Man, I'm sorry you had a rotten morning. And to get papers on top of it, that's just not cool. For that, you get two more cookies. I said you could. ;)

  2. Ahhh...thanks Jami. Does that mean the calories don't count since you told me I can have them?

  3. You've already burned off the calories of the cookies by running after him and dragging him to class! Two? I say you deserve five!
    And the papers? Throw them away. We all have rough mornings. You don't need them! They need to go in the trash. Separation anxiety? Isn't this the same child that doesn't want you to walk him to his classroom anymore? He's that independent? You know what's going on and you don't need the papers. It was just ONE OF THOSE MORNINGS. Monday will be better! Love you Rosa!

  4. Not only is this the child that, a few weeks ago, told me he didn't want me to walk him to the gate anymore. This is the child that the day before wanted to walk to school on his own. (I of course walked him to a reasonable point since he doesn't really look for cars when he crosses the street like he claims he does.)
    Thanks AnneMarie!

  5. Sounds like a tough morning. But a failure as a parent? No way!

  6. It always easy for people to dole out parenting advice to others. You know your son and know better than most what's best for him.

    Besides, kids go in cycles. Who knows, in a few weeks, maybe he'll be back to independence and writing awards. :)

    Hang in there...

  7. I'm sorry your day was rough! I think you are doing a great job with your children! Hang in there!

  8. That is a rotten start to the day! Sorry that the school made it worse by sending home the papers. :rolleyes: Come on, they've never had a bad morning at their house? Geez.
