Monday, March 30, 2009

No I Haven't Forgotten

At the end of last year I set some goals for myself and challenged myself to do better on some of them weekly. I was doing great for a while there. My exercise goals were the first to slip. I really enjoy exercising, but it is really hard to find the time. I kept trying to get better, but lacked the motivation for some reason. Waking up early was a crazy expectation on my part. I don't think I ever made it a whole week of actually getting up at 5:30 with out hitting the snooze button. (I don't think this goal will ever be reinstated.) I was doing fairly well at my journals and having my kids listen to the Book of Mormon slipping just a few days until I went on vacation. I have really been having a hard time getting back on track, and I have been home for 3 weeks now! I can blame the kids or my exercise partner or my husband, but we all know that the problem is me.

I am starting back up on my goals, but I am starting slowly. I am challenging myself to write in each of my journals (prayer, scripture, and personal) at least 5 days this week. I am going to work out at least 3 days this week. When I can accomplish these goals, I will add more. For now, I just need to feel that excitement of accomplishing my goals again.


  1. It's so hard to keep up the motivation sometimes - I've definitely experienced that before. It's especially hard to get back to it after it's slipped for a couple of weeks. So good for you for putting in the effort to get back to your goals!

  2. Don't beat yourself up too bad. You keep trying and I'm impressed by that. Habits are hard to form, and they take time. You're a fabulous person! I'm glad that crazy waking up early thing is gone! Give yourself a break!
