I am counting calories again. My wonderful sister-in-law, Chris, told me about this great web site that helps me count the calories. It not only helps with the calories in, but the calories out as well. No more guessing. No more writing it down and adding it up at the end of the day hoping that I did well. It keeps a running total for me. All I have to do is type in the food and how much I ate. It is that easy. As far as the calories out, all I have to do is type in an activity and how long I did it (such as walking) and it calculates the calories burned. I can even count cleaning the house and dong laundry! The best part is, it automatically calculate the calories I burn just from being alive and adds it to the activities that I type in.
This web site give me goals for my calorie intake. I have yet to actually consume that little, but I am so hungry. I think I am eating the wrong types of food. I will keep trying, but as long as I keep my calories out 400 to 500 more than my calories in for the day, I am doing better than I was before.
I really hope this makes a difference!
This sounds like a great site. I think this will be much better for you. You have so much strength to keep going every day. I can learn a lot from you.
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome! Go you!
ReplyDeleteGood luck! I'm so proud of you that you keep trying different ways to be successful instead of giving up. You're a great inspiration!