Friday, April 17, 2009

More Cute School Stuff

First off I just want to say that Eric did almost no work at school this week. He was really frustrating his teacher. She told him that if didn't work his hardest today, he would have to have a meeting with her, the principal, and his parents. I guess that was all the motivation he needed because some how he not only finished all the work he hadn't completed for the week, he got to have time to do puzzles at the end of the day too. Yay! Whatever it takes!

Now for the cute things he brought home. I am going to spell and punctuate the way that he did.

On a rainy day I like to play with my LEGO racers because LEGOs are my favorite type of toys. Plus, the LEGO racers are the coolest type of LEGO. I already have three of them! I have 13 more to get! Then, my colletion will be complete! (He likes "excited marks.")

My hilarious bunny whacked his head on the wall undersea yesterday! What a silly bunny! (Like I said...)


  1. What grade is he in? He writes really, really well!

  2. He's in first grade. He actually got an award from the school for his writing last semester.

  3. hahaha, that is soo cute! I'm glad he had a good day today

  4. He does write really well! Look at you, raising a genius!

  5. Wow! That's a great story! He writes so well! And a great use of exclamation points! =)
