Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Good Sign?

I lost 2 pounds this week. The funny thing is that I wasn't even really trying. I haven't been counting my calories, and other than walking the dog, I haven't exercised. I am hoping that this means that I am actually learning how to give myself limits. It either means that or I am just going to be fluctuating between 167 and 170. (That was really hard to admit!)


  1. Maybe stressing and worrying about it keeps the weight on and when you let go mentally, your body let go physically.

  2. Losing is always good! I can't wait to start my anticipated exercise now that we're all moved and Quin is starting to nap better. Sounds like you're doing something right! I've been fluctuating with that same weight! How funny! I want to be 160 by July 4th, but moving put a kink in that plan... I'm still shooting for it, though, so we'll see what happens. Keep it up!

  3. Great job! Losing weight is so hard.

  4. Congrats on your weight loss! Two pounds in one week is great!

  5. Good job Rosa! That's gotta feel good!

  6. Yay! Pounds lost is always good!

  7. With everything that's been going on, don't let it mess up your goal. If you need to, take a break, but keep going! You're an inspiration to me! :) And let me know if you ever get anything from putting ads on your page, would ya? :)

  8. I will not quit trying to lose weight, but I am not going to shoot for any goals at this time. I haven't been eating much for the last few days. I guess that could help with, but maybe not the best way to go about losing weight. Just a simptom of my grief.

  9. Well, grieve how you must. It's important to do that. I'm sure you know all too well. I'm here for ya.
