Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Week Two at Everest

The second week of school is over for me. I can tell that I am already leaning a lot.

The good news is that I still have A's in both classes. I have 100% in Strategies for Success and 98% in Medical Terminology. I took my first Medical Terminology quiz on Wednesday and got a 93%. I was excited! I could have had 100%, but there was one trick question, and I got it wrong. I am hoping to continue to get 100% on all of my other work so that the grade will get even better . (Does that make me a nerd? Oh, well. I'll take that as a compliment if it does.)

I made the mistake a few days ago of actually looking though the syllabuses to get an idea of what my assignments will be for the next few months. It overwhelmed me so much. I had to remind myself that I just need to take this one week or unit at at time. I may even go as far as saying one assignment at time.

The only thing that is really irritating me is the group work. I don't want to have to work as a group to complete any assignments. I guess I will just have to suck it up and do it for the next few months though. I am sure that I will have to do group work in other classes, too. Hopefully, I will be put into a better group though.


  1. That's awesome. I don't think wanting a high(er) grade makes you a nerd, not that there is anything wrong with being a nerd (I am). Wanting good grades just means you are taking pride in the work you are doing.

  2. You're doing great! Keep on wanting the high grades - nothing wrong with a little nerdiness!

    I'm with you on the group work thing. I have always hated having to work in groups - I want my grade to be dependent only on me! I can't trust other people's work. I suppose that means I have some control issues... ;)

  3. That's fantastic! You are a nerd, but aren't we all?
    I don't like working in groups either. No one can be trusted hehe.
    Keep up the good work! I'm very excited for you!
    Great cartoons btw.

  4. Welcome to the honorary Hermione Granger club!

  5. @Melissa
    I googled "success" and looked at the images. From there I found a cartoon that I liked. I looked at that page and found some better ones. It was fun!

  6. I am sure it feels great to be doing so very well in school. Congrats so far.

  7. Great job Rosa! That has got to feel good, knowing that you're succeeding wildly! Keep striving for a higher grade, nothing wrong with that at all! (I sometimes have to remind myself that once I've got the diploma in my hand, nobody really cares if I got an A or a B, I'm such a perfectionist!)

    I'm so happy for you!
