Thursday, February 4, 2010

Down to One Car and a Motorcycle

This time last year we had 4 cars (three of which were running) and a motorcycle. If one car broke down we had a spare. That was great! Over the summer John sold his Explorer. (I can't find a picture of it.) We were then down to 3 cars (two of which were running) and a motorcycle.

I really wanted to get my old car running again so that I didn't have to spend so much on gas with the van (not to mention the fact that the van hadn't run in the winter for a few years and my back up was now gone). After working for a few months, we were able to get a new engine put in my car and I didn't have to drive the van that was on its last leg anymore.
Two months later my car started to burn oil (let me tell you how excited that did NOT make me feel). The decision was made to get the van running well enough so that I could drive that to work while my car was being fixed. After getting my van back, I drove it for about a week before it decided that it wasn't going to hold antifreeze anymore. The diagnosis was a blown gasket (oh, joy). We decided to let the mechanic junk it and put the money towards fixing the car. (It is a lot harder to find pictures when you actually want to.)

Now, here I am. John and I have to share his mustang (which only has 4 instead of 5 seat belts). My car is at the mechanic's. My van is gone for good. The Explorer was sold to some poor kid that didn't know what he was getting into, and poor John had to ride his motorcycle to work today because his battery died. When my car gets fixed, his will go in for a tune up. Until both cars are done, we will be sharing one car. that means that I have to walk to take Sean to school and pick up the boys in the afternoon (something I didn't mind when I wasn't sleeping most of the day and when it was warmer outside). Hopefully, we will have two cars that run very well by this time next month. (I can hope, right?)
(Hey! The van and Explorer in the background!)


  1. Wow, sounds fun! So, if you all go somewhere, how are you going to do it? (Suggestion: everyone in one car, and a kid on the motorcycle, just for kicks... lol!)

  2. I know it may be hard to believe, but I think John would be stuck on the bike...

  3. Almost nothing stresses my husband out more than car trouble.
