Thursday, July 29, 2010

Trying to Change Habits

I have been listen to an audio book lately that my friend Jami said was a good book in one of her blogs (yes, I know you said reading it would be better, but I listening to it in my car is the only chance I get for stuff like this).  So far it is a good book.  I am happy to say that I am about three quarters of the way done.  It had a slow start, but now I am at the part that talks about how to change eating habits that have been formed.  I REALLY want to be able to do this.  I have decided to only work or one or two at a time however.  I am trying to replace most of the sugary drinks that I drink with water while trying to also make sure to drink the recommended amount per day (something that a few years ago was not a problem for me).  I am also going to cut chips and french fries out of my diet.  I don't do well with greasy foods anyway.  I am going to work on each of this goals for a month and then hopefully add to them when I am done.  I am not saying that I will never eat chips or french fries again, but I am going to try to teach myself not to eat them in excess.  I think the best way to do this would be to completely cut them out for a little while.  I don't know what I will work on  when I am done with these.  I am just hoping to make myself healthier and not lose steam in the process.


  1. Those sound like great goals. I started a goal a week or so ago to not eat after the kids go to bed. Not sure if I've lost any weight or not. I hope so because most of my eating is usually done after they're in bed so that would cut out quite a few calories I would think.

  2. Whatever works, right? I'm glad you were able to find it as an audio book... I still want to find my own copy so I can refer to it often. I've found that since I don't have it to read everyday, I'm less passionate about it, but I know if I had it I would be again.

    Melissa - that's so my weakness, too! Whether I'm watching a movie or sitting and reading, I feel like I have to have food handy. The other night, I bet I ate half a day's worth of calories AFTER my day's worth of meals! Bleh!
