Thursday, May 26, 2011

No Computer? AHHHH!

About 2 weeks ago, my computer turned off and refused to turn back on.  Not good!  I was just about to post preschool graduation certificates and pictures. Now they are lost in the giant paperweight in my dining room. Ugh! That isn't even the worst part. I go to school online only.  With all the drama in my life I have failed my last 2 terms, and now if I don't participate before this Saturday I will be kicked out of school. Not good!  I have divorce papers that I need to sign, scan, and email back to my lawyer.  I haven't been able to do that either.  I have a claim in for my roof to be fixed with he insurance company. I couldn't even access that, and I was foolish enough to sign up for all e-documents with them. I have been totally lost without a working computer that will connect to the internet.  At least I have facebook on my phone (funny to think I had it shut down until a few months ago, and now I would be lost without it).  I never realized how much I rely on the computer, especially the internet, for day to day activities.
Today, I thought of a solution to my woes. My ex-husband has a laptop that he rarely uses. We are on decent terms right now. He knows my situation, and has even tried to fix my gimpy computer.  I sent him a text and nicely asked if I could borrow his laptop until I can get mine working.  He agreed. (Thank goodness!)  It is good to know that in a pinch if he has a way to help me, he still will.
Now, I am able to do the things I desperately need to do and the things I would like to do (thanks to a man that I have a better relationship with now that we are no longer married).


  1. I'm glad he let you borrow it! :)

  2. So glad he came through for you! If it happens again, you can always come over and use our computer any time!!

  3. I don't know why I didn't think of that. lol
