Thursday, August 18, 2011

And the Lazy Award Goes To...Me

I don't know what is wrong with me. I just can't reach my goals lately.  I am going to start over today. This time I will accomplish...something at least.

For my cleaning goal this week, I am going to keep the same goal. I am going to pick up and vacuum the living room everyday. I need a better reward though. I am going to reward myself with hanging my new painting that I got for my birthday. (I can't get my pics to work on here lately, but the pic of the painting is on my facebook page.)

For my weight loss goal, I am not going to concentrate on my weight as much as my habits. I am going to work out at least 3 days this week. If I can do that, I will get some pretty cotton yarn.

Wish me luck!


  1. Wow, vacuuming every day? That's ambitious! :) I think vacuuming once a week is good for me... lol And I don't even do that! hahaha

    But good luck! You can do it! I think focusing on your habits instead of your progress is an awesome idea! :)
