Friday, March 2, 2012


I think I hit the jackpot! I married a great man this time. He loves me for me. He constantly reminds me of that, too. He steps in and helps with the kids when I need him. He lets me cry when I am overwhelmed with life. He helps clean the house. He lets me know that the things I do are good enough. He understands me more than I do. He loves me more than I deserve!

I have the most beautiful little girl! She is smart and adorable. I love when I get the chance to spend time with her.

My boys are so special! They are the smartest little boys I have ever known. They are so loving. They always tell me that the would rather be with me than at anywhere else.

I love my family!


  1. Love you guys! sounds like you did pick a good one. <3

  2. It's pretty wonderful!! I'm so happy for you!

  3. I love this post. :) It's perfect.

  4. I'm so happy you're happy! You totally deserve all the happiness in the world!
