Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Memories

As I was growing up, my dad would play Chistmas music and sing (a bit out of tune) with it until January 1st. Blue Chistmas came on the radio on Sunday as I was driving to go pickup the kids from their dad. Tears came down my face as I heard my dad singing along in my head. I was tempted to call my Utah family and ask them to record him singing this and others and some how send them to me before Christmas. Last night at work, other Christmas songs came on the radio that reminded me of my dad playing his Readers Digest Christmas cassette tapes over and over while singing along. Isn't it amazing that a "tradition" that I thought was "SO annoying" as a teenager would be some of my fondest Christmas memories now?


  1. So sweet, thanks. I love the fact that he has so many songs memorized. I'll see if we can record him for you.

  2. I always enjoyed singing along with music.

  3. I love this. My kids hate the music I play - which happens to be the music MY dad played. I hope, some day, they feel like you and I do - and cherish the memories that music invokes. :)

  4. So very sweet. Thank you for sharing your memories. Love it.
