Monday, May 9, 2016

Mom's Day

Mother's Day is a bittersweet day for me. I love my kids, and I love being reminded that I am a mom. It is also a harsh reminder that my mom is no longer with us. As I get older, it gets a bit easier, but it is still one of my most dreaded days of the year. Today I was holding my emotions together quite well until the closing song in Sacrament Meeting, Love At Home. The memories of my mom flooded my head. Most Sundays these are welcome, comforting memories. However this Sunday, Mother's Day, it reminded me of how much I miss my mom. I know I will be with her again, but today it hurts that she isn't here with me laughing, crying, joking, and loving. I love my mom. I was blessed with the best mom in all of the eternities.

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