Tuesday, June 28, 2016



My new assignment for my English class is to write a personal narrative essay. We are supposed to answer the following questions:
  • Why is this important to me?
  • Why do I still remember this?
  • How did this change me?
  • So what? What might others take from this experience?
The topics I thought of are: my divorce (I am getting sick of talking about this), the car accident that took my mom and brother from this life, or my mom's many trips to the hospital for depression. I am leaning towards the car accident. Just thinking about talking about it THIS in depth scares me. I think I am mostly scared of bearing this part of my soul to class members. What if I show how weak my testimony is? What if people think I am some kind of wierdo because I this is still so painful after 20 years? At the same time, what if writing this essay heals my heart a bit more? What if this is what I need to do to continue to move on?

1 comment:

  1. I really liked your paper! I'm sure you'll get a good grade.
