Saturday, May 20, 2017

My Tender Mercy This Week

I feel that I must explain. I am working on being thankful for the tender mercies the Lord has shown me for  a class for school. I chose to work on this because I have once again found myself plagued with depression and anxiety. I think that if I can not only recognized the tender mercies in my life, but show gratitude for them as well, I can pull myself out of this at least a little bit.

Psalms is so full of the tender mercies of the Lord. The best part about studying Psalms was that it made me feel normal. I have been struggling with my mental health and begging Heavenly Father to help me. My tender mercy for this week was readying Psalm 13: 2 when David says, "How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily?" I could feel David's pain. I have been there. I have been depressed daily, begging for my Heavenly Father to rescue me. There is comfort in knowing that I am not alone in this.

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