Friday, September 29, 2017

He's 14

I am trying to do better at documenting things that happen in my family, but I am failing. I missed an important day.
Sean turned 14 on the 25th. He was able to enjoy 4 days of off and on birthday celebration. On Friday, September 22, I took off work and went to Boondocks with him. We played laser  tag, bowled, drove go-carts, and played in the arcade. It was a lot of fun! I was so happy that he chose to spend a day with me. The next day, we gave Sean his presents (a hamster from Noel and a board game he had been asking for from Chad and I and the Link hoodie from Eric a few days later when it arrived) and ate at Village Inn. My sister and her family were able to join us which was an extra special surprise since she has not been able to come up to this part of town since the baby was born in March. Sunday we went up to Chad's parents' house to celebrate his birthday and Chad's mom's birthday. We had another delicious dinner and some desert. They spoiled him by giving him an Eco Dot which he got set up the same night and has not gone a day without using it yet. Monday (his actual birthday), I made him a cake and we finally got to play the game he was given on Saturday.
I am so lucky that Sean is a part of our family. He is such a special boy, and I could not imagine my life without him.

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