Thursday, September 7, 2017

Scared for a Bit

I went to long into my other blog to post about my lack of success this week and saw a very scary screen saying that the blog had been deleted. Then, I went to try to long onto this blog. Again, I saw the same screen. I quickly went to my son who had just spent some time on the Nintendo website on my laptop and ask repeatedly what he did, if he deleted my blogs (including his blog). He said he didn't know. I may have yelled a bit about all of the family history lost.
I, then, grabbed my laptop to see what had happened. Apparently, he had accidentally disabled my Google account. This included my email, blogs, and other Google products. (I really only noticed the blogs at the time.) I went through the process of enabling my account. It is all back now, thank goodness. I comforted my then bawling boy. Life is now back to normal as it can be anyway.

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