Saturday, November 10, 2018

He Will Bring Peace

I am so glad the elections are done. If you had asked me the night of the election if I was happy with the results, I would have said resolutely, "No!" I am not one of those people who cares about the party the person represents. I care about what they stand for and what they plan to accomplish. My husband and I sat and watched as election results trickled in. The announcement for our new governor came less than an hour after the polls had closed. Jared Polis. I did not vote for him. His values did not match mine in the slightest. The only thing I can think of that I did like about him is that he is pro-family. I was worried that his plans would derail some of the things that I like about living in Colorado.
I had a hard time sleeping so I said a little prayer to be able to fall asleep and be comforted. It worked! Not only was I able to fall asleep, I was able to feel comfort from that point on. In fact, I woke up with the line of a Hymn 85 in my head: "Fear not, I am with thee; oh, be not dismayed, For I am thy God and will still give thee aid..."
Later that day I was reading in Isaiah thinking I was just doing it to feel an assignment. Instead, it turned out that my Heavenly Father was still answering my prayer. He was telling me that if I kept His commandments, he would bring me peace.
O that thou hadst harkened to my commandments!
then had thy peace been as a river,
and they righteousness as waves of the sea;
~Isaiah 48:18
As I continued to read, I found more verses that told me the same thing: I will get help if I do my part to follow the teachings of the Lord. This is such a great promise! 
I am so glad that the Lord loves me and understands me enough to send me a message trough song and just to dive the message home, he told me through scripture. I know that as I do my part, the Lord will keep his promise. I will have peace no matter what happens around me. 

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