Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Goal Update

These goals are hard. The hardest one is losing weight. I crave foods that I know will not help me. I am ashamed to admit that I cave in to those cravings probably more often than I realize. I really need to figure out how to get control of those cravings. I have considered going back to the South Beach Diet, but it was so restrictive that I don't know if I could handle it again. I have been planning my breakfasts and lunches for each week on Saturdays to try to get me on track. I don't know if it is working or not. I know most of my problems are coming from snacking after work while making dinner. I need to stop mindlessly eating when I am at home. I will never lose weight this way.
My running is getting back on track. Last year, I trained more than I did the year before, but I was afraid that I would pass out if I pushed too hard because of passing out last spring. Lately, I have been pushing harder than I did last year. I have not passed out yet. I don't think I will. I am just going to keep on going. Last night I couldn't run as hard as I wanted because I ate too much right before. I am going to take it as a lesson learned. I will not eat a big meal before running again. It could make me feel slick.
I am happy to say that I went to the temple last week. I was so glad that I went. I had been a bit weirded out by an audio book I listened to. I asked myself a few questions like, "Do you believe Joseph Smith restored the gospel?" and "Do you believe the Book of Mormon is true?" and "Is President Nelson a true prophet of God?" I was able to answer yes to all of the questions I asked. I was so glad I questioned myself and went to the temple. It was the best I have felt at the temple in a long time. The drastic difference between how I felt on Friday versus Saturday was huge. I hope to never forget how alive I felt as I pushed away my dark feelings and replaced the with the light given by the Holy Ghost.
Chad and I have been working on the "Come, Follow Me" lessons. I have never really studied scriptures with a spouse before. It feel really good!
As far as cleaning and organizing goes, I have been either throwing away or giving away at least 20 things per week. I am shocked at how much I have been able to throw way. Sean organized the pantry last week and threw out more than half of the food because it was past the expiration date. It was really eye opening how much food and money went to waste just because we couldn't find stuff.

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