Thursday, June 23, 2022

Dog Love

We really have the sweetest dogs! Aqua is often a ball of energy. She thinks that everyone who comes to visit is there for her, and she doesn’t seem to understand that they don’t want her to jump on them. We have to either send her outside or lock her in our room when most people come over. It’s not unusual for her to spend time running up and down the hall a few times a day. When she wants us to pay attention to her, she will sit in front of us smiling and do the cutest little bark. She doesn’t understand that she is a big dog, so this often is followed with her climbing on our laps. Sophie is a sweet little dog that has bonded to me so much that she hates it when I am not in the same room as her. If the door is closed, she will scratch at it until she is let in. It is not unusual for her to assume she gets to go with me. She is a bit spoiled. Dexter thinks he is the protector of the house. He barks at everybody and everything. He is harmless but doesn’t want the outside world to know. 

Yesterday, they all sensed I was sad. As I laid down in bed, they each had their own special way of letting me know they cared. Dexter laid down quietly on the floor. Aqua curled up to my side. Sophie walked across Aqua, nosed my phone out of my hand, and curled up next to my shoulder. Then, we all slept for about an hour. No one distributed us. It was just the dogs and me. I did not realize how much I needed that until it happened. 

I am feeling better today and better able to focus on helping my dear friend. I am thankful my family gave me the time I needed to be alone and the dogs who just wanted me to feel better. I am truly blessed. 

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