Saturday, July 23, 2022

Blessings of the Week

I want to recognize the blessings I receive more often. Does this mean I will do a weekly blessing post? Not necessarily. I don't want to paint myself into a box with making too many blog rules for myself. That's not what this blog is for. It does mean that I am going to recognize some of the blessings that I received this week, though.

First, I passed my Research Methods class. This is a big deal for me! I hate doing research. Reading peer reviewed articles is boring. Trying to find a topic I am interested that I can build upon and wright my own research proposal for is hard. Following all of the rules of research writing is not fun. Writing in a style that bores me to tears is not my kind of writing. And, finally, taking multiple choice tests where I need to have a lot a definitions memorized is my kryptonite. When you put all of these together into one class, it equals the hardest C I have ever received. I am more proud of this grade than any A I have received. 

This did not happen my chance. A few things had to be in place for it to work. Noel was at her conference. I love her, but she requires a lot of attention that I really could not have given her Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. I needed those days to study and do work. Also, there was not a youth activity this week. This gave me a few extra hours I would have had most weeks. I have a hard time believing that these things coincidentally fell the same week as finals. Had these not been in place, I would not have passed my final which would have resulting me not passing the class.

I feel like I was lead to the right General Conference talks to listen to this week. I learned a lot from a few of the talks and made sure to high light the parts that left an impression on me. I love that we have such easy access to them now. I can't wait until I finish the most recent session and start listening older sessions. I have found a few talks from the 1980s that have been interesting and testimony building. I may go back to 88 or 89 next. We'll see. 

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