Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Positive Communication

I have been taking a communications class this semester. I originally only signed up for the class because it was my last 100-level class that I needed to take for my degree, and I needed something easy to balance out the Research Methods class I had to retake that I was dreading. When I opened the syllabus in April, my insecurities seeped in. Seeing the weekly Zoom meetings and number of speeches I would need to prepare and give made me nervous. I did not think I could do it. I was wrong. Not only am I doing it, I am thriving in this class and learning so much. After giving my first speech, my instructor asked if I would like some continual coaching when the class was over. She is a motivational speaker and has a coaching business on the side. She said she offered her talented students free coaching for about a month during the summer, something for which she would normally charge about $300. Not only did this make me feel good about taking this class, it makes me feel like she helped me find a hidden talent that I would like to develop. It is amazing what a few encouraging words can do!

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