Monday, July 25, 2022

Who Are Your Seven?

While listening to the Don't Miss This podcast on YouTube, one question hit me and really made me think. As they talked about Ester's handmaidens, they asked if we surround ourselves with people who would be willing to do something like fast for three days without question. I can honestly say that I do for the most part. I can't say I have seven people that I am close to that I would even imagine asking to do something like that for me, but I do have two very close friends and my husband who I believe would do so for me. I have asked these friends to pray for family members in the past, and they had no problem with that request, and I have done the same for them as well. There are a few other people in my life that I believe would do so with no questions as well. My husband and I have both fasted and prayed for when the other has asked. (I love being married to someone who loves and supports me.) I can honestly say that I have some wonderful people in my life that I can depend on to help me through fasting and prayer with little to no questions asked. I am very blessed to have these people in my life!

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