Friday, August 26, 2022

I was Chosen

I got a call from HR today to let me know my transfer was being put through along with a bit of a raise. I knew about the transfer. It has been about a month in the making. I will officially go back to the billing department without having to go back on the phones. 

Last winter, it was discovered that I was looking for a new job. To keep me with the company, I was offered a position in dispatch with a former boss at the wage I felt I needed to better care for my family. In December, I transitioned over to do the financial work needed to prepare orders to be processed by the billing department which was really just the one guy who had transitioned from another billing department, my boss before I moved over to dispatch. I spent a little over six months doing this until a reorganization of our little part of the company happened which dumped dispatch into the call center meaning I would eventually be expected to dispatch and work customer service on the phones. (I do not want to ever work a call center job again.) At this point, I was told a position would be opening under my previous boss. I called him and requested to be taken back explaining the reasons I had left and my desire for the future. For the first time in the six years I have known him, I heard excitement in his voice. Since that day, he has worked hard sending emails and making calls trying to get my transfer put through without having to deal with the application and interviewing process. Anytime he had updates, he would let me know. 

Today, I finally got the call we have both been waiting for. My transfer is going through along with a raise per the request of my boss. I was so excited! I was chosen for this position because of my work ethic and knowledge. After working to other side and gaining more knowledge, I have increased my value to the company. It feels so good to be making these strides professionally on my own merits and to be specifically chosen. And to top it all off, I get to be married to someone who is proud of my accomplishments! 

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