Wednesday, September 28, 2022

All of the Reading

My classes are getting to be more intense. This week, I had to read a 15 page article for one class and a 31 page chapter along with two articles for the other class before working on the assignments. My brain is spinning. I know that I need learn from these classes, so I will keep going. I also know that the classes will continue to get more intense. I am at a point where I am counting down the semesters until I am done. 

If someone had asked me 15 to 20 years ago if I would ever be this close to a bachelors degree, I would have said, "No." I was convinced that I was stupid and other people were far more intelligent than I. I now know that people who talk down to others in this manner only do so because they have to put other people down to lift themselves up. I will not let anyone treat me this way again. I know I am smart. I don't have to prove it to anyone. Instead, I will keep working on my degree and become the person I choose to be: an intelligent woman who helps others in their time of need. Before I can do that, I will continue to read as many pages as necessary. 

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