Saturday, September 10, 2022

First Day of School


My official first day of school is Monday, but the classes are available today. This semester I am taking Infant and Toddler Development and Family Stress and Coping. Both classes are upper division classes which makes me a bit nervous. Last time I took two upper division classes in one semester, I got overwhelmed and dropped both classes. I can't do that anymore. I shouldn't have done it then.

I have a plan going into this semester that I am hoping will work this semester and the semesters to come since I only have upper division classes remaining. First of all, I am writing down all of my assignments in my planner by due date. Then, I am going to set aside time each day when I get off work for assignments rather than waiting until the due dates to do assignments. I am also going to spend more time one Saturday doing assignments. One class does have some assignments due on Saturday, but the hope is that by working on them throughout the week, it will be more of a matter of completing them than completely doing them. I have more time on Saturdays than the rest of the week, so setting aside a chunk of the day should help me get started on assignments do the following week. 

I hope I can keep up with these changes, and I hope that it will serve as an example for my daughter as she navigates the world of online school. 

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