Monday, September 19, 2022

Level 10 Life

I am not a perfect person. I have never claimed to be. I have always known that I am a work in progress, and I am more than willing to work on myself. 

As I have mentioned before, I have been bullet journaling lately. I enjoy it far more than I had expected, and it is a great way to connect to my best friend, the person who introduced it to me. We have fun texting each other what we have been working on, and she gives me inspiration on how to make it more personal. 

On Friday, my friend asked if I knew about Level 10 Life. This is a method of bullet journaling to help direct personal goals. I found YouTube videos and blogs on Pintrest that broke it down for me. It really caught my interest. She and I texted all weekend about our ideas of how we would make them work for us. I looked up templates to find one that appealed to me. We sent each other pictures of what we were working on. By the time I sat down to work on my weekly goals, I had mine refined and glued into the back cover of my journal.

My plan is to have a new Level 10 Life chart at least every time I start a new journal with the hope that I will have leveled up on some of the areas of life that I deemed important. Will it look the same. Probably not. I'm sure something else will look fun to me at that point. The categories will probably be the same, though. One of the best parts about doing something like this is that I don't have to answer to anyone. It is mine. 

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