Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Algebra II Woes

My daughter has been struggling with her Algebra II class. Since she is taking online school, she is not in the classroom with her teacher as problems arise. Because of this, she has fallen a bit behind. I have offered her help several times, but she wanted to figure it out on her own. Today, she finally let me help her. It was not easy. 

I had to Google a few terms that I haven't seen in many years. I have completed college level math classes, but I could not figure out some of the things she needed to know. Thankfully, with the help of some good math site found from our search and the magic of her understanding better as I struggled to help, she was able to figure it out in the end and even got a good score on her quiz. 

I will always be willing to do my best to help her whenever she asks for it. Hopefully, next time it will be something I am more familiar with. Of course, I may just offer to find her a tutor instead. 

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