Tuesday, October 25, 2022

I Voted Today


I have not voted at a polling place since moving here, and I am not ashamed of that. When I moved here, it was considered a rural area. (With all of the growth over the past few years, I am not totally sure that is still true.) When I registered at this address, I was asked if I wanted to vote by mail, and I checked that box because I really didn’t know where I would vote otherwise. 

I can’t say I have voted every year. There were times I missed the deadline because I am a procrastinator. However, I can say I have voted in most elections that I have felt passionate about including in 2020 and this one.

For the most part, I will not tell people who or what I voted for because I don’t feel it is any of their business, and I have received hate from people on both side when I have let it slip. I vote according to my convictions. I study candidates and issues and decide what I feel is best. I refuse to vote party lines because I believe one of the big problems with this country is the predominantly two party system. 

It is important to vote. It is important to follow your heart when doing so. The elections are becoming more and more important. We can’t leave it up to just a few people to determine our fate. 

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