Sunday, October 9, 2022

Mom Goals

My kids mean everything to me. (I think most moms feel the same way.) When I was growing up, all I wanted to be was a mom. I am so lucky to be able to be Mom to some amazing kids!

Like most moms, I have heard a lot of criticism about my parenting. That’s ok. Those people don’t understand the relationship I have with these wonderful people. They don’t understand how we have lived and what we have overcome together. 

I have a few goals as a mom. First, I want them to be good people. I feel that so far I am doing well in this department. I want them all to have at least a high school education with hopes that they would want to continue further. So far, two have graduated high school but have not chosen to pursue further education. I’m ok with that. It’s not for everyone. My biggest goal as a mom is make sure they know they are loved and will always have a soft place to land no matter what. I grew up with conditional love and don’t want my kids to feel that from me. I want them to know they can talk to me and lean on me. I am not sure I am doing my best at this, but I hope I am getting better. 

Being a mom is the hardest and most rewarding job I have ever had. I dream of having a close relationship with my kids for the rest of my life. As someone who has lost a parent, I dream of having the relationship with my kids I imagine I could have had with my own mom. 

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