Monday, November 14, 2022

Thyroid Testing

I went in to the doctor's office today for thyroid testing. (That's right, Noel is no the only one that doctor in this house. Who knew?) This is usually not a big issue. I go in, tell them if any of my symptoms have changed, and give them some blood for the lab to check my TSH and free T4 levels. This time was different. 

Today, I saw a different doctor because mine will not be in the office this week. As I was brought back to the room, the medical assistant took my vital and verified my reason for coming in. Then, she started asking me questions as if I was trying to find out if I had hypothyroidism. She asked if I had sensitivity to hot and cold, quickening or slowing of the heart, excessive weight gain or weight loss. I understand that the questions are to determine hypo- or hyperthyroid. I stopped her after the third question. I just told her that I have been dealing with this for almost 25 years. I know the diagnosis. I just need to make sure my meds are tweaked if needed. Once the doctor came in, it was obvious that she knew that was not new to this. She just asked a few questions and sent me to the lab for my blood draw. I am honestly hoping they will raise my dosage. I have been feeling like my thyroid levels have been off for a while. 

The last four or five years have been frustrating with this disorder. I have been accused of being a drug seeker by doctors and pharmacists because I am on a high dosage for my age. This literally a life saving drug. If I don't take my meds, it can cause heart and kidney problems as well as other issues. I do not want to have to take medication everyday for the rest of my life, but I will. I know there is more that I can do to be healthy, but without this, I have no hope. 

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