Sunday, February 12, 2023

Testing Woes

My school has started using Proctorio to proctor exams to try to prevent cheating. I have had classes that use it off and on for a couple of years and never had a problem until last night. I had an exam for my Family Theories and Dynamics class that was due by 11:59pm. I started taking it around 9pm. (Have I mentioned that I am a professional procrastinator?) I got through question 10, and the dog bumped my laptop which caused my camera to go out. This triggered a chat with the Proctorio people. They decided that it would be best to refresh the page and have me go back in, so they kicked me out and refreshed the page. When I tied to get back in, I couldn't. The exam was set for only one attempt. I had to send my teacher an email to explain what had happened. Luckily, she agreed to reset the exam so I can take it and gave me through Monday. I hope I can have the same momentum I had at the time I got kicked out as I do the test on my desk where the webcam can't be bumped by a dog. 

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