Monday, March 6, 2023

Day 2 in Provo

Today was pretty good. I spent a lot of the morning in Bev’s room talking to her and doing a puzzle. Then, my dad came home from work with some groceries, we had lunch, and we went our separate ways for a bit: Dad went back to work; Sean went downstairs to read; Bev took a nap; and I sat in the kitchen doing homework. 

Carrie and her younger girls came over around four, and we got to bust with them are a little while which was really nice since I haven’t seen them since we came out her in 2019. We were able to catch up a bit and are hoping she feels well enough to stop by next time she is supposed to be driving through Colorado. 

After a bit more visiting with my dad, he made one of Sean’s favorite dinners (spaghetti). While we ate and talked some more. 

Around 8pm, my best friend came and picked me up so we could see each other while I’m here. We went to Chili’s. She had dinner, and I had an appetizer and dessert. We caught up with each other for a few hours before she brought me back. 

After saying my good nights, I went to the guest room to wind down and go to sleep. 

I have really enjoyed my trip so far. It has been nice to see everyone. There are more that I wish I had time to see, but it is a short trip, and I don’t have a car here. 

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