Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Real Appeal Meetings

In January, I joined a weight loss group called Real Appeal. It was working great the first month, but I have slipped considerably since my anniversary dinner. Partly because I had to be off a bit with what I was doing that night, partly because it was followed by other celebrations and the trip, and partly because I had gotten to a point that I felt a bit out of control when it came to eating. I am currently in the process of going through past lessons (they are all available in a "library" on the app) to get back on track. I really think that if I follow the advice, I can lose weight and keep it off. 

For this group, I have signed up for weekly meetings where our coach goes through the lesson for the week, asks the group questions about how they are doing with their weekly goals, and gives tips for continued success. We are encouraged to interact in the chat as our coach goes through the lesson. There are a few people in my group that give answers that make them appear to be more than perfect. It makes me wonder why they are participating in something like this. For example, last week we discussed junk food substitutes, so our follow up question was how much of our food for the past week. I sat there thinking, "Since we went out to eat a few times, probably 50%." I know that is a high estimate and most likely wrong. I didn't respond in the chat because the first person to answer said 5%. How the heck is that even possible? Aren't we all overweight? Later, as she went through this week's discussion, she asked what we do while working to try to be more active. There were answers that sounded realistic like using a standing desk or taking walks on breaks. Then, there was that one guy that said he always takes the stairs. He even went as far as to tell us there are 53 stairs. When asked how we can be more active when watching tv, he started throwing out kettlebell exercises. Does anyone really do this? No elevator? Always working out while not working? Doing squats while brushing their teeth? If this is what fit people are doing, I will never be smaller and fitter. It is almost demotivating for this guy to comment. He makes everything seem unattainable 

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