Sunday, April 16, 2023

My Week Planned

I am one of those people who get little done unless I have a checklist. I have tried several times to go without it, and it does not go well. For example, I skipped basically the entire month of March because of some personal issues I was dealing with and missed some assignments because of that which affected my grades. You would think I would learn that the methods that work when I am feeling good work when I'm a bit depressed as well. 

For the past few years, I have purchased a planner before the year starts that I am excited about. Last year, it was one that came with stickers and highlighters. This year is one I found on the Happy Planner website after a friend introduced me to their products. In this one, I can plan out my week as well as do my bullet journal stuff in the back. It has been a bit of an adjustment to the new format for the days, but I think I have finally figured it out.

Today, I sat down with Noel to plan out my week. (I'm not sure why she wanted to help me, but it was nice spending time doing something that I enjoy with her.) I let her pick out the colors that I used as we talked and joked around. When I misspelled a word (Who misspells dinner?), she helped me fix it. When she was ready to go watch a show she was waiting to start, she walked back to her room as I searched for the right stickers.

Here is my plan for the week: 

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