Thursday, April 13, 2023

New Friend

It has always been hard for me to make friends. I just have a hard time trusting people. There has been more than once that I put my trust in someone who ended up stabbing me in the back. I am slowly learning to let my guard down, an I have been happy with the results. 

About this time last year, our ward boundaries were made bigger. Not long after this, a lady who is now in our ward invited Chad and me to a dinner party, and we went and had fun. Then, we talked to each other here and there at church. After a few months, she organized a girls’ trip and invited me. Then, she and her husband invited Chad and I over for New Year’s Eve. Since then, we have found times to spend together. For the past month, we have been taking walks together after I get off work on Thursday. 

It has been great to get to know a new person. We have a lot in common and many differences. I have learned a lot about myself through her and a lot about being a mom. She is different than my other friends. She seems to be able to make friends with everyone she meets. 

Today, we had a regular conversation about our daughters, work, and other day to day things. As we got back to our cars (we meet at a dirt road to walk), she told me how much better she has felt since the sun has been out more. I told her how much better I have been feeling lately as well. I felt a real connection. 

I have a few very close friends. Each of them have something different about them that draws me to them. I’m not even sure I could explain it really. I know I am meant to be friends with a few choice people, and I am glad I have them in my life. 

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