Monday, April 10, 2023

What Progress?

 At the beginning of the year, I set some goals in the four areas suggested by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (spiritual, physical, social, and intellectual). I have not been doing very well in some of these goals, but I am ready to make a change. 

I want to keep making progress in the areas that I have had some success and add on that success. I recognize that some of my success has required effort and some has required habit formation. I believe that the areas I need to add focus to would require habit formation. I know that means work will be put into it, but my hope it that it becomes as simple to do eventually as listen to a chapter in the Book of Mormon has become. 

To track my progress, I am going back to the pie chart method that I tried when I attempted the Level 10 thing. I believe that having 8 specific goals (two for each category), I can have better focus and be less overwhelmed than having 10 broad categories. 

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