Tuesday, June 20, 2023

14 Years Ago

Facebook memories can be a double edged sword. There are some memories I would rather forget. I have deleted a lot of them, but there are some that still show up. Then, there are the ones that remind me of the love that encircled me during those tough times. Today, I was reminded of the love. 

In today’s date in 2009, the ex moved out for the first time. To make sure the kids weren’t there when this happened, they stayed the night with my sister. To help me get out of the house, I had a Rock Band night with friends. These wonderful women were there for me when I needed them the most. Some knew whet was going on. Some did not. All helped me keep my mind off of the crap in my life at the time. 

Side note: I was wearing a child’s extra large shirt in this picture and was being told I was fat on a regular basis. If I could get back to this size, it would be a miracle. 

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