Sunday, June 4, 2023

Final Day For Now

 We are leaving Utah in the morning, so today was our final day. It was a great day to be here. I started the day off going to church with my dad. Then, I sat and enjoyed my dad and sister’s company until my sister and I set off to Walmart to buy some water for Noel and things her kids forgot. That was followed by a lunch of Kraft macaroni and cheese with her kids and my daughter. At dinner time my other sister, Carrie, came over with three of her girls. Then, we watched the Nuggets game and enjoyed being around each other until Noel and I needed to head to bed. 

I am sad we are leaving tomorrow before we can do more things around town, but I will be happy to be home with my husband, son, and dogs. As an added extra, Eric will be coming by to pick up a few things. (I am always excited when he calls and plans to stop by.) 

I forgot to take pictures while Carrie and the girls were over, but I did get some before we went our separate ways for the night. 

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