Saturday, June 3, 2023

Loving These Trips

The more I come to Utah, the more I feel at home. Not in the “I want to live here” of way. It’s more like I fell like I have a place here. There was a time I didn’t know if I would be welcomed with open arms at my dad’s house. I am so glad that is not the way it is anymore. 

One of my favorite things in this house is the wall with his cross stitch temples. I remember him painstakingly working on them whenever he had down time. At the time, these were all of the temples he had been to. (I know that he has been to more since moving to Utah.) When I think about him creating these works of art, I think about this as a calm in the chaos that was our lives at the time. He set such a wonderful example of how to create calm when it seemed impossible. I think this is one of the reasons I gravitate towards knitting and crochet (mostly knitting) when I need to find a sense of calm. 

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