Friday, June 23, 2023



Every once in awhile, Noel and I like to go to the thrift store. We usually go with a specific purpose and come home with a few more things. Today, she wanted to look for a Disney inspired outfit for a dance she is going to tomorrow. 

We went in with the intention of buying a shirt and a pair of shorts or pants. One of the outfits she was thinking of, the one I liked the best, also would need a sash. We ended up also buying 4th of July shirts, another t shirt for her, a gag gift for Chad, a coin purse for my niece, and a rolling chair that she fell in love with for some reason. 

I love that I can buy that much stuff for less than $50, but I also just love going into a thrift store with my daughter and just playing around with her. We point out the ugliest things in each other’s size and tease them about wearing it and laugh about the gaudy shoes on the tables of dress shoes. Today, the chair she greatly desired brought us the most joy. After we paid for everything, she held our bag as I rolled her out of the store. The best part about it is that we can be as strange as we want because it doesn’t phase anyone. They have seen worse. 

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