Thursday, July 6, 2023

The Hat Saga

 My friend and I are planning a tea party at her house a week from Saturday. We started planning it about a month ago on a rainy afternoon as we dreamed of nicer weather. We decided we wanted it to be a bit fancy and include hats and jewelry. I ordered a hat and glove set last week when Chad got paid. My plan at the time was to order two hats; one hat was the color I wanted, and the other had the gloves and costume jewelry I wanted. Unfortunately, they wouldn’t be delivered until after the party. I found another set that I likes even more that was supposed to be delivered in two days, so I ordered it. Then, the problems began. 

The day the set was to be delivered, Amazon sent a notification that it needed to be relabeled. I was told I needed to choose a locker location for it to be delivered, and I chose a gas station down the highway a bit. Then, I got another notification of an address change with another delay on the package. I was starting to get worried and decided that I could just make one if it wasn’t delivered. I told my friend my issues and encouraged her to order hers as soon as possible just in case. Then, a few minutes after I got home from our rainy walk, it was delivered. 

Im in love with this hat! Im going to have to find another reason to wear it. Maybe I’ll be fancy for Halloween. 

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